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2 Translation results for bait in Spanish

verb | noun

bait verb

unfavorite favorite play sound
baited, has baited, is baiting, baits
cebar (un anzuelo o cepo); acosar

Example sentences of
bait verb

  • baiting hooks with live worms
  • The interviewer kept baiting the politician by asking him whether he was lying.

Synonyms of
bait verb

Detailed synonyms for bait verb

Bait, badger, heckle, hound, taunt significan acosar, irritar constantemente con la intención de quebrantar el ánimo.
  • Bait indica una crueldad despiadada o gozo en la persecución de una víctima indefensa <her big brother baited her constantly>.
  • Badger indica fastidiar a alguien de tal manera que lo lleva al desconcierto o la exasperación <badgered her father for money to buy clothes>.
  • Heckle indica la interrupción constante de un orador para hacerle preguntas con el fin de confundirlo o desconcertarlo <protestors heckled the speaker>.
  • Hound indica una persecución incesante <a film star hounded by photographers>.
  • Taunt connota burlas provocativas <the local fans taunted the visiting team>.

bait noun

unfavorite favorite play sound
cebo, carnada

Example sentences of
bait noun

  • cheese used for bait in mousetraps
  • Wait until the fish takes the bait.
  • a wide selection of lures and baits
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Reverse translation for bait

cebar  (un anzuelo o cepo) - to bait, to feed, to fatten, to prime (a pump, etc.) 
acosar  - to pursue, to hound, to harass 
cebo  - bait, feed, primer (for firearms) 
carnada  - bait